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Honoring Women Igniting Change

Women’s Equality Day began as a commemoration of the barrier of the ballot being broken with the certification of the 19th Amendment, allowing some women the right to vote. Today, it signifies so much more – a recognition of progress made beyond the vote, and a day to reflect on the many challenges women in our society still face to achieve equity.

We understand that empowered women are key to the success of their communities. At AT&T, women have been breaking barriers for over 140 years and through their example a path of progress was created for the next generation of leaders. We continue building on their legacy by investing in programs that support young girls through collaborations with Black Girls CODE, Girls Who Code, Girl Scouts of the USA, Girls Inc. and Techbridge Girls.

As we reflect on Women's Equality Day, four of our women leaders at AT&T share how they are harnessing the power of connection to ignite rising women leaders, from colleagues at AT&T to young girls in the communities where we serve. Let us use today as momentum to work towards equity and ensure women are empowered and supported in all communities.

Val Vargas, SVP of Advertising & Retail Marketing

I once had an insightful AT&T female supervisor tell me that "God gave us two hands. One to reach up and grab on and one to reach back and grab someone else" - and that's what every woman should do, whether at work, at play or at life. We can learn and grow from one another. Sometimes it just takes a hand reaching out.

Cheryl Choy, SVP Broadband Product & Strategy:

I have been influenced by two generations of trailblazers before me. My grandmother, Sook Jae Lee, was in the third female graduating class of Ewha University for Women in Seoul, Korea. From her, I learned how education is a privilege and something we cannot take for granted. My mother, Young Woo Nam, was the only female in her Mathematics school at Seoul National University. She taught me to not be intimidated, and that our gender does not dictate what we're good at. Today, I stand proud looking at the young female leaders around me and seeing how rich our company is thanks to their contributions.

Stacey Marx, President of National Business & Channels:

We have the chance to redefine the art of possible for women. When I first started out in my career, there were very few examples of successful women who also had families at home. It was hard for me to imagine myself doing something that I couldn't find in others around me. That's one of the reasons it took me so long to start my own family. Today, I'm surrounded by women who are kicking butt with successful careers, strong relationships and happy families. It's not always easy, but when we work hard and support one another, we show that not only is it okay to want it all, but we deserve it.

Mónica Aspe Bernal, CEO of AT&T Mexico:

Throughout my career, I have seen extraordinary women struggle to occupy leadership positions, and I have faced being held to higher standards than men. I have also experienced the power of inclusive leaders, both men and women, who have supported my growth. Building on my experience, as a leader, I deliberately open my team to the contributions of other women. Inclusive leadership is a real game-changer: it expands the talent pool for our organization, as it allows women to step off the sticky floor and break through the glass ceiling.

We encourage you to join us in uplifting the power of women changing the world. To learn more about how AT&T’s DE&I initiatives support women and girls, visit our website.