Wi-Fi Calling: Requires Wi-Fi capable smartphone that's compatible with Wi-Fi Calling. Also requires an eligible plan if you have AT&T PREPAIDSM. Once Wi-Fi Calling is turned on, your phone automatically makes and receives calls and texts over Wi-Fi anytime you connect to a Wi-Fi network in the U.S. (the Domestic Coverage Area or DCA) if cellular network coverage is weak or unavailable, or if you're outside the DCA. Wi-Fi Calling is available on select devices.
Charges: (Voice) Wi-Fi calls to domestic numbers won't have additional charges (except for calls to 411 and other premium numbers) and won't use talk airtime minutes.
International long distance: Wi-Fi calls from the U.S. to international numbers incur international long-distance charges. Go to att.com/worldconnect for AT&T international long distance calling pay-per-use rates and available packages. AT&T PREPAID Wi-Fi calls to international numbers incur international long-distance charges from the U.S. and when traveling abroad.
International roaming: AT&T Wireless Wi-Fi calls from outside the U.S. to international numbers incur international roaming charges. Go to att.com/global for AT&T international roaming options and pay-per-use rates.
Text or picture messages: Messages you send or receive using Wi-Fi Calling count against your plan's text allowance.
Service limits: Use of Wi-Fi Calling may be restricted in some countries. See excluded countries at att.com/wificalling. If you move in or out of Wi-Fi coverage while on a Wi-Fi call, your call will disconnect unless you have AT&T HD Voice coverage (911 calls will disconnect even if you're within HD Voice coverage). HD Voice isn't available everywhere. To enable Wi-Fi Calling, you must have a postpaid wireless account provisioned for HD Voice. Go to att.com/hdvoice for more details.
911 calls: If you can’t be located using location information obtained from your device, we'll route 911 calls based on the address you provide in your device's Wi-Fi Calling settings. 911 calls aren’t supported outside the U.S. You can’t use Wi-Fi Calling to call 211, 311, 511, and 811.
Text Telephone (TTY) limitations for 911 calls and Real-Time Text (RTT) progress: Due to technical limitations, Wi-Fi Calling can’t be used with TTY devices and won’t support 911 calls over TTY devices. Persons with communications disabilities can still reach 911 services by either (1) calling 911 directly using a TTY over the cellular network or from a landline telephone, (2) sending a text message to 911 directly (in areas where text-to-911 is available) from a wireless device, (3) using relay services to place a TTY or captioned telephone service (CTS) call from a wireless phone over the cellular network or from a landline telephone, or (4) using relay services to place an Internet Protocol (IP) Relay or IP CTS call over a cellular data or other IP network. Go to att.com/wificalling for more information on Wi-Fi Calling, TTY, and progress with RTT.