Want to create one mailbox to receive messages for both your wireless plan and home phone service? If your AT&T wireless plan is not a prepaid line and both services originate within the same calling area, you can. When you combine mailboxes, your home phone voicemail will receive messages for both.
Combine voicemail boxes from your home phone- Access your voicemail box from your home phone by dialing *98.
- Press 4 for mailbox settings when you reach the main menu.
- Press 2 for administrative options.
- Press 6 for additional settings.
- Press 1 to add or delete an AT&T wireless number.
- Enter the 10-digit wireless number, followed by #.
- When prompted, enter the last 4 digits of the Social Security number on the wireless account.
- When you receive confirmation that your wireless number has been saved, you may hang up.
Helpful tips- Review and document any new, existing, or saved messages in your wireless voicemail. Once combined, your wireless voicemail box will be eliminated and any existing messages will be lost.
- Messages won’t transfer to your home phone mailbox.
- Both services must originate within the same service area, or the combined mailbox may not work properly and you may incur additional charges.Â
- If your wireless device has visual voicemail, the email-like inbox will no longer receive new messages.Â
Note: When your mailboxes are combined, the greeting on your home phone mailbox becomes the greeting for both home phone and wireless. To create a different greeting for when your wireless number is called, press and hold the
1 key on your wireless phone. Follow the directions to record your greeting. Your home phone greeting will not be changed.
Remove your wireless number from voicemail box - Access your voicemail box from your home phone by dialing *98.
- Press 4 for mailbox settings when you reach the main menu.
- Press 2 for administrative options.
- Press 6 for additional settings.
- Press 1 to add or delete an AT&T wireless number. Your wireless number will be announced.
- Press 2 to delete your AT&T wireless number when prompted.
- Press 1 to confirm. Please wait while your wireless number is deleted.
Note: After separating your combined voicemail, existing messages remain in your voicemail box and won’t transfer to your new wireless mailbox. To receive voicemail messages on your wireless phone, be sure to set up your wireless mailbox.