When we help you troubleshoot, transfer data, or fix other issues, we’re committed to keeping your account and device data safe.
- We won’t access, open, or view personal info on your device. This includes photos, emails, text messages, call or location history, voicemail, and apps.
- We won’t transfer, back up, or copy any data from your phone to any system or equipment owned or operated by AT&T, AT&T representatives, or anyone else.
- Before we complete a factory reset or other action that may delete your data, we will have you do one of two things:
- Confirm you have a current back-up.
- Give us permission to delete the data without a back-up.
Good to know: All AT&T representatives are required to follow our security policies and processes.
Read the AT&T Privacy Notice
Tips to keep your personal info safe
- Back up your device regularly
- Close all apps with personal info before someone takes possession of your device. This includes photos, emails, text messages, call or location history, voicemail, and apps.
For more info, review our Privacy Center security tips and tune-ups.