If you believe you have been billed in error for services or if you believe you are entitled to a credit or refund, please notify us within sixty (60) days of the billing date by contacting us. AT&T will not issue refunds or credits after the expiration of this sixty (60) day period, except where required by law. Credits and refunds will generally be made as soon as possible after the amount is finalized.
If you have questions or complaints regarding your AT&T U-verse TV service, please contact us. We will review any question or complaint you have and we will take prompt action to address it. If you still have a question, you can submit any complaint you may have to AT&T Southeast Appeals, 575 Morosgo Drive, NE, Atlanta, GA, 30324. Further rights and remedies are outlined in the Terms of Service.Â
We intend to work closely with you to provide you with exemplary customer service. We remain committed to answering your questions and resolving any issues with you. If you are dissatisfied with our resolution, you may contact your local city or county government for assistance in resolving your complaint. We will respond to any subscriber complaints we receive from a city or county promptly and will work directly with you to achieve a resolution.