Specify location for using Telecommunications Relay Services

Learn how to specify your primary place of use for Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) when roaming off of the AT&T network.

About Telecommunications Relay Services

Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) permits persons with hearing or speech disabilities to place and receive telephone calls via a relay operator. TRS is often used with a text telephone (TTY) device. TRS is available in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and U.S. territories. 711 is the short dialing code for nationwide access to TRS. Each state has a designated TRS center.

Specifying primary place of usage for TRS service

When you dial 711 while on AT&T’s network, the call is automatically sent to the TRS center for the state where you are located.  This allows the relay operator to send any emergency calls to a public safety agency in your area. 

When you dial 711 while roaming on a third-party’s LTE network, the call is sent to the TRS center serving the state that you name as your place of use. For example, a TRS user attending school out-of-state, spending the winter in Florida, or going on a long vacation, should change their place of use to their destination state. 

How to specify place of use
  1. Dial 711 to reach a TRS operator (typically, using a TTY device).
  2. Provide the TRS operator with the toll-free number for AT&T Customer Care 800.331.0500 and the preferred TRS state.
  3. The TRS operator will place the call to AT&T Customer Care and act as the intermediary to initiate your change in preferred TRS state.
Last updated: December 7, 2022

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