Locating Promotions on your online bill

If you have received a promotion card offer, you will receive that separately from the bill.

Monthly charges

With the exception of one month free promotions, you will see your promotion in the Monthly Charges section of the bill. We have two ways of displaying a promotion and you may see a combination depending on the particular offer. We may use a single line display which shows you only the net amount of the regular rate minus the discount.

We also have a multi line display which will show you two line items, the product and its regular rate and a second line with the product plus the promo description and a credit amount. It is possible to see a combination for a single item.

Promotion display examples
Single Line    
Product Description (promo description)date range$XX.XX
Multi Line     
Product Descriptiondate range$XX.XX
Product Description (promo description)date range$XX.XX CR
Product Description (promo 1 description)date range$XX.XX
Product Description (promo 2 description)date range$XX.XX CR

View a sample bill (PDF, 917KB) to learn more about the different charges that may appear on your monthly bill.
Last updated: January 2, 2024