When traveling outside of your AT&T Internet Service dialing area, 888-number roaming service is available for a surcharge of $.083 per minute or a fraction there of. In addition, GSP (Global Service Provider) local access is available in some areas to allow you to dial a local number ("POP") to reach your AT&T Internet Service; there is for a surcharge of $0.05 per minute or fraction thereof for this service.
You will be charged $3.00 per hour (AT&T Internet Service charge of $2.88, plus GSP charge of $.12). You will be billed at a rate of $0.05 per minute, rounded up to the nearest minute for using a GSP local access number. If you are a AT&T High Speed Internet (formerly FastAccess DSL) customer, backup dial charges may apply in addition to this charge.
Roaming charges are in addition to your regular AT&T Internet Service charges and will appear on your monthly bill. If you use a GSP (Global Service Provider) for local access, you will see a separate charge from the GSP for its portion of the roaming surcharge.
Upon return to your local dial in area, be sure to change the dialer configuration to your local number to avoid additional roaming charges.
For additional information on roaming numbers see
Manage your AT&T Dial Connection.