Password guidelines Adhere to the following guidelines when creating passwords.
Minimum 6 characters
Maximum 24 characters
At least one alpha character and at least one numeric character
Letter and numbers cannot be sequential
Cannot contain special characters, except hyphen (-) and/or underscore (_)
Cannot be the same as your Username/Member ID
Passwords are case sensitive. (Distinguishes between uppercase (capital) and lowercase (small) letters).
Examples of valid passwords
Examples of invalid passwords
Note: If your password was recently reset by a representative at AT&T, it is a good idea to choose a new password as soon as possible. This will help ensure the safety and security of your account.
Your AT&T Primary Member ID has two passwords: (1) The Account Password provides access to email, home page, online Internet account management, backup Dial-up, and AT&T Wi-Fi hotspots. (2) The DSL Network Password is a system-generated password that is used by the modem or router to authenticate and connect to the DSL network. AT&T Sub Accounts only have an Account Password.
The following rules apply for Account Passwords:
Passwords are case sensitive.
Passwords must be 6-24 characters long.
Password characters must be alphanumeric.
Password must contain at least one alpha character and at least one numeric character.
Password cannot match Member ID.
Password cannot have any special characters except hyphen (-) and/or underscore (_).
Avoid using personal information, such as name, birth date or ZIP Code.
If you are having trouble signing into AT&T online account management, your email, home page, online Internet account management, backup Dial-up, or an AT&T Wi-Fi hotspot, please review one of the following articles on how to change your Account Password:
The DSL Network Password is a system-generated password and should only be changed when troubleshooting your DSL Internet Connection and only when specifically instructed to do so by an AT&T Technical Support representative or internet connection related self-help article.
Note: You will not be able to use the DSL Network Password to sign in to your home page, email, manage your online Internet account, backup Dial-up, or AT&T Wi-Fi hotspots. Instead you should use the Account Password for those functions.