Learn about Video Management

Learn about our video policy, and how to manage video settings for each eligible line.

About Video Management

Our Video Management feature (formerly Stream Saver®) applies automatically and strives to render streaming video in standard-definition (SD), with a max speed of 2Mbps if you have both a 5G-enabled device and rate plan, or 1.5Mbps if you don’t. This speed is perfect for streaming video on a smartphone and may help control data usage.

Most of our wireless plans include one of the following video streaming options: standard-definition (SD), high-definition (HD), or 4K ultra high-definition (UHD). For plans with only SD streaming, the Video Management feature stays on. In most cases, if your plan includes HD or 4K UHD, you can stream in SD by keeping the setting on. To experience higher definition streaming, or if you have any issues, you can turn it off online any time. With the feature turned off, you may use more data.

With Video Management on, other content bundled by content providers with streaming video may be impacted and slowed. This includes content such as video downloads, filters, lenses, and catalogs. Some streaming video can’t be identified. At times, we may deliver video content faster or at higher definition.

FYI: If you’re a provider of video content and have questions about our video management policy, contact us at g0530@att.com.

Manage video settings

To experience HD or 4K UHD video where available, or if you have issues, you can turn Video Management off or back on for each eligible line.

AT&T Wireless

  1. Go to your myAT&T usage summary. Sign in, if asked. 
  2. Select the line you want to update.
  3. Choose Manage Data Usage.
  4. Turn Standard Definition (SD) Video Off or On if you have HD or 4K UHD streaming. If you don’t have HD or 4K UHD streaming, then SD video is always on.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Wait a few minutes and restart the device you updated, if needed.

AT&T Prepaid

  1. Sign in to myAT&T.
  2. Select Profile & Settings, then Feature Settings.
  3. Switch Video Management Off or On if you have HD or 4K UHD streaming. If you have SD, Video Management is always on and you won't see it.
  4. Wait five minutes and restart the device you updated, if needed.

FYI: If your plan includes multiple lines, each person on your account can manage Video Management settings for their own device.

Business accounts with Premier access

  1. Go to Premier.
  2. From the I want to menu, select View Account and Usage.
  3. From the Lookup Type menu, choose Wireless Number, enter the wireless line you want to update, and select Go.
  4. In Usage settings, you’ll see Video Management (if the line is eligible).
  5. Select Change and follow the prompts.
  6. Wait five minutes and restart the device you updated, if needed.


Last updated: July 17, 2024