Learn & customize the home screen
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Learn & customize the home screen

Add shortcuts and widgets, access the notification panel, changing wallpaper, and more.

  1. To select an option or open an app, tap the desired option quickly.
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  2. To swipe to another screen, lightly drag your finger from left to right or right to left across the screen.
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  3. To scroll down on a page, lightly drag your finger from top to bottom or bottom to top across the screen.
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  4. To access the Notifications menu, swipe down from the Notifications bar at the top of the screen.
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  5. There are seven available home screens. To access or customize another home screen, swipe from the left or right.
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  6. Tap and hold any desired app from the apps menu to add it to the home screen.
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  7. Drag the app to its desired location.
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  8. To add a widget, touch and hold an empty part of the home screen.
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  9. Tap the desired Widget to automatically add it to the home screen.
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  10. Touch and hold the desired widget and drag it to the desired location.
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  11. To move an app or widget, touch and hold the desired item then drag it to the desired location.
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  12. To remove an app or widget from the home screen, touch and hold the desired item, then drag it to Remove.
    Note: The item will be removed from the home screen but will remain available through the app or widget menu.
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