1. Navigate to and select theÂ

myAT&T app.
Note: When you first access the myAT&T app, you will be prompted to read and agree to the End User License Agreement. When finished reading the agreement, select Accept. To learn more, visit the myAT&T website. Review the Notifications, Location and Touch ID prompts and select the desired options. 2. SelectÂ
I have an AT&T account to get started.

3. Enter your
User ID and
Password, then select
Sign in.Â
Note: If you have forgotten your user ID or password, select Forgot ID or Forgot Password. If you do not have a user ID, select Create a new ID and follow the onscreen prompts.4. Your AT&T account will be

5. Select the
More icon to access the myAT&T account overview, Billing & payments, usage, and more. To manage or change account users and passwords, select
Manage profile then edit profile settings as desired.
Note: Get more information about tasks you can perform using myAT&T.