Create and manage subaccounts

With a primary Member ID email address, you can create up to 20 subaccount Member ID email addresses at no extra cost.

Learn about subaccounts

A subaccount is a Member ID email address set up under the account owner’s primary Member ID. Only the account owner can create and manage subaccounts. For example, the account owner would have a primary Member ID email and their spouse or children would have subaccount Member ID emails.
  • You can have up to 20 subaccounts under your primary Member ID email. Only 10 can be active at one time.
  • You can't delete subaccounts, but you can disable them.
  • Subaccount users can manage phone features, get product support, and chat with an agent. 
  • The Member ID email for a subaccount won’t appear on the bill.
  • You’re required to complete a few extra steps if you create a subaccount for a child under the age of 13.
Heads up: If you created a free AT&T email account after June 12, 2011, and you're not an AT&T Internet or DSL customer, you can't create subaccounts.

Ordering permissions for subaccount users

  • U-verse TV and AT&T Internet account owners can grant ordering permissions to subaccount users who are 18 years of age or older.  You can do this when you edit a subaccount.
  • Granting ordering permissions allows the subaccount user to make service-related purchases (like buying Pay Per View movies). These purchases are charged to you, the account owner, per your existing contract with AT&T.


Last updated: December 7, 2022

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