Register for the AT&T Do Not Call list

Learn how to register your number on the AT&T Do Not Call list.

How to register for the AT&T Do Not Call list

If you don't wish to receive special promotions or other sales calls from us, chat with us online or call 800.331.0500 (611 from your AT&T wireless phone) to ask that your number be listed on our own Do Not Call list.

AT&T will take the following steps to comply with your request:
  • Update our list within 30 days of your request.
  • Maintain your request for five years unless you ask to be removed from the list. 
  • We and our representatives won't call you for sales promotions or other campaigns. We may still continue to contact you for non-telemarketing purposes such as customer service surveys, public interest notices, or other service matters.

If your name or number changes, you'll need to provide us your new information so that we won't unknowingly call you.

Register on the National Do Not Call registry

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) established a National Do Not Call registry for consumers who want to avoid unwanted sales calls. We honor Do Not Call requests on this national list, as well as state lists and the AT&T internal Do Not Call List.

You can register your number using the methods listed below.
Last updated: December 7, 2022

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