Find email profile info

Not sure where to find your personal info on myAT&T or Here’s where to look for your details.

myAT&T info

AT&T Internet
  1. Go to your myAT&T Profile. Sign in, if asked.
  2. Scroll to Sign-in info. You’ll find your full name and user ID in the User ID section. 

DSL and free email

In myAT&T, you’ll find the account owner’s full name, member ID or user ID (AT&T email address), domain, ZIP Code, nickname, and status. You’ll also see any subaccounts associated with the email address.
  1. Go to your myAT&T Profile. Sign in, if asked.
  2. Scroll to Email account and choose Manage email
  3. Choose Manage Sub-Accounts to get your account number.

  1. Go to your myAT&T Profile
  2. Select Online security info.
  3. Look in User ID to find your full name, user ID, and domain.

Currently, from AT&T info

  1. Sign in to
  2. Select your Profile name and then Settings.
  3. Go to:
    • Personal Info to see your full name, gender, and alias (nickname)
    • Preferences to view your language choice
Last updated: January 10, 2023

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