Get plans and features to use in Canada

Find talk, text, and data options that cover you when you travel to Canada.

International features for Canada

Heading to Canada? See your talk, text, and data options.Learn more

Compare plans and options

Find out what talk, text, and data options your plan comes with and what you can add.

Not sure which plan you're on? Sign in to your account and we’ll show you. Just a heads-up: International and domestic off-network data use may be at 128Kbps speeds.

Options while in Canada
Current wireless plansTalk Text Data
AT&T Unlimited PremiumSM1UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
AT&T Unlimited ExtraSM2UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
(After 50GB of data use, AT&T may temporarily slow speeds if the network is busy.)
AT&T Unlimited StarterSM3UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
(AT&T may temporarily slow speeds if the network is busy.)
AT&T 4GB4UnlimitedUnlimited4GB (AT&T may temporarily slow speeds if the network is busy.)
Retired wireless plansTalk Text Data
AT&T Unlimited EliteSM5UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
AT&T Unlimited &More PremiumSM single line or multi-line line6UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
(After 22GB, AT&T may temporarily slow data speeds if the network is busy.)
AT&T Unlimited &MoreSM single line or multi-line6UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
(AT&T may temporarily slow speeds if the network is busy.)
AT&T Unlimited Plus EnhancedSM single line or multi-lineUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
(After 22GB, AT&T may temporarily slow data speeds if the network is busy.)
AT&T Unlimited Choice EnhancedSM single line or multi-lineUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
(AT&T may temporarily slow speeds if the network is busy.)
AT&T Unlimited Plan® (launched January 12, 2016, now retired) with Roam North America feature (still available to add to retired AT&T Unlimited Plan)UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
(After 22GB, AT&T may temporarily slow data speeds if the network is busy.)
Other AT&T wireless options for talk, text, and data when you're in Canada:

Options from the U.S. to Canada   
Current wireless plansTalk Text
AT&T Unlimited Premium1UnlimitedUnlimited
AT&T Unlimited Extra2UnlimitedUnlimited
AT&T Unlimited Starter3UnlimitedUnlimited
AT&T 4GB4UnlimitedUnlimited
Retired wireless plansTalkText
AT&T Unlimited EliteSM5UnlimitedUnlimited
AT&T Unlimited &More Premium single line or multi-line6UnlimitedUnlimited7
AT&T Unlimited &More single line or multi-line6UnlimitedUnlimited7
AT&T Unlimited Choice Enhanced single line or multi-lineUnlimitedUnlimited7
AT&T Unlimited Plus Enhanced single line or multi-lineUnlimitedUnlimited7
AT&T Mobile Share Plus8Unlimited for plans with at least 10GB of data9Unlimited7
Mobile Share and Mobile Share ValueUnlimited for plans with at least 15GB of data9Unlimited7
Mobile Share AdvantageSMUnlimited for plans with at least 10GB of data9Unlimited7
Mobile Share FlexUnlimited for plans with at least 10GB of data9Unlimited7
Retired AT&T Unlimited Plan (launched January 12, 2016)UnlimitedUnlimited7
Other AT&T wireless options for calling from the U.S. to Canada

Prepare for your international trip

Keep talk, text, and data charges predictable and affordable during your trip. Take a look at ways to manage international usage to help you prepare.

If you’re traveling beyond Canada, check out AT&T International Day Pass travel tips.

See all important details

Last updated: February 6, 2025

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