¿Con qué dispositivo necesitas ayuda?


Agrega, mira, borra y personaliza contactos al agregar una foto o un tono de timbre.

  1. En la pantalla de inicio, toca Contacts.
    Note: When in "Easy" mode, no "Groups" tab will be displayed and you can't send business cards, merge accounts, or link contacts.
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  2. Para crear un contacto nuevo, toca el ícono Add.
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  3. Enter the desired contact name in the Name field.
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  4. Tap the Phone number field, then enter the desired phone number.
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  5. Tap the Phone type drop-down to assign a different phone type to the entered number.
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  6. Para agregar una foto de contacto, toca el ícono Add photo y luego sigue las indicaciones en pantalla.
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  7. To select a custom ringtone, tap Ringtone.
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  8. Selecciona el tono de timbre deseado, luego toca OK.
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  9. Edit additional contract details as desired, then tap SAVE.
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  10. To edit or delete an existing contact, scroll to then tap the desired entry on the Contacts page.
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  11. Para editar, toca el ícono Edit.
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  12. To delete, press the Menu key.
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  13. Toca Delete.
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  14. Toca DELETE.
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  15. To back up contacts to Google, from the home screen, swipe down from the notification bar, then tap the Settings icon > ACCOUNTS > Google > Tap the desired Google account > Contacts.
    Note: For information backing up contacts using AT&T Address Book, please see the 'AT&T Address Book' tutorial.
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¿Recibiste la ayuda que necesitabas?