Tips and tricks to extend your battery performance.
There are several ways to conserve battery life. To access battery saver mode, swipe down from the Notification bar, then tap All settings.
Tap System.
Tap Battery saver.
To turn Battery saver on, tap the Toggle switch.
To edit battery saver options, tap Battery saver settings.
When Battery Saver is successfully turned on the Battery icon will display a Match in the notification bar.
Lower the screen's brightness setting.
Decrease the screen time-out. Note: To access from the Start screen, tap the Settings tile > lock screen > 'screen times out after' field.
Turn Bluetooth and Wi-Fi off when not in use. Note: To access, drag down from the Notification bar, and tap the Wi-Fi or Bluetooth icon to turn on off.
Turn NFC off when not in use. Note: To access from the Start screen, tap the Settings tile > NFC.
Turn location services off when not in use. Note: To access from the Start screen, tap the Settings tile > location.
If you are travelling and do not have access to mobile or Wi-Fi networks, switch to Airplane mode. Note: To access, swipe down from the Notification bar > AIRPLANE MODE. The Airplane Mode icon will appear in the notification bar when on.
For additional information about charging your battery, please see the Charge the Battery tutorial.