Your AT&T email inbox includes a single, sponsored message at the top of your inbox. These ads can be distinguished from spam or email messages in your inbox because they include a
Sponsored label and show a
circled S icon.

Advertisements may also appear on one or both the sides of your inbox. Although you can't remove the sponsored messages or close out these sections where the ads appear, you can modify how ads are selected in the Ad Interest Manager.
Manage options for personalized adsYour AT&T email detects keywords in your mail to personalize new features and relevant content just for you. You have the option to turn off this feature in your account. You can also choose whether or not you'd like your ads to be based on your interests.
To manage these settings, follow these steps:
- Go to the Ad Interest Manager.
- If you are currently able to see ads based on your interests, the Interest-Based Ads box will say Currently On. To change this, select the Opt out button.
- If you currently don't see ads personalized to you, the Interest-Based Ads box will display Currently Off. To change this, select the Opt in button. You can then choose the categories that match your interests.
If you have concerns about these advertisements, please contact us at