Remove AT&T Personal Cloud and your personal data

Learn how to cancel your trial or subscription. Plus, get important info about your data and what to do before you cancelĀ 

Before you cancel AT&T Personal Cloud

Make sure you download any Personal Cloud content you want to keep. Once you cancel your subscription, your AT&T Personal Cloud content will be permanently deleted after 30 daysĀ 

Cancel your Personal Cloud service and remove your info

Android devices

You can cancel your AT&T Personal Cloud subscription1 and remove your personal data directly from the app or using myAT&T. Hereā€™s how:

Personal Cloud app

  1. Open the AT&T Personal Cloud app and tap the Profile icon.
  2. Select My Account, and then select cancel reason from the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose Delete Account. When asked, confirm that you want to delete your account.
  4. Enter your AT&T user ID and password.
  5. Tap My add-ons. Select Personal Cloud, and then Remove add-on.

myAT&T app or websiteĀ 

  1. Log into myAT&T. Under my wireless, select your device and phone number.
  2. Go to My add-ons and select AT&T Personal Cloud.
  3. Select Remove Add-on from this device.
  4. Scroll to Letā€™s Review and select Submit.

FYI: Did you previously have an iPhoneĀ® and subscribe to AT&T Personal Cloud through the AppleĀ® App StoreĀ®? To avoid any future charges, visit the App Store to cancel your Personal Cloud account.

Apple devices

If you subscribed from:

    1. Go to iOS Settings.
    2. Select your name or Apple ID.
    3. Select Subscriptions and look for AT&T Personal Cloud
    4. Select Cancel subscription and follow the prompts.

Heads up: Make sure to download any content from Personal Cloud that you want to keep. Once you cancel your subscription, your AT&T Personal Cloud data will be permanently deleted after 30 days.

See all important details

Last updated: January 31, 2025

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