Voicemail Notification
When a new voicemail is received, theÂ
 Voicemail icon will appear in the Notification bar.
Access & Listen to a Voicemail
From the home screen, select theÂ

Phone app.
ACCESS: Select the Dial tab, then select Visual Voicemail icon.
LISTEN: Select the desired voicemail.
Voicemail Options
Select the corresponding icon:
• PLAY/PAUSE: Select the Play icon to play the message. Select the Pause icon to pause the message.
• SPEAKER: Select the Speaker icon to enable or disable speaker mode.
• CALL BACK: Select the Phone icon to call back the phone number.
• DELETE: Select the Delete icon to delete a voicemail.
ADDITIONAL OPTIONS: Select and hold the desired voicemail, then select the desired option.
DELETE: Select
Delete to delete the voicemail.
SAVE: Select
Save to save the voicemail to your device.
EXPORT: Select
Export to files to save the voicemail as a file that you can easily transfer off the device.
Note: View Access voicemail messages for tips to manage your voicemail. Go to Troubleshoot Voicemail for solutions to common voicemail problems.